Human Rights in Business Operation


The Company manages large industrial cities and engages with numerous stakeholders. Without an effective human rights risk assessment process across the entire supply chain or reliable operational control mechanisms for the Company and its partners, the Company may become implicated in human rights violations. This could directly affect the Company's reputation and investor confidence, both domestically and internationally.


Implementing an effective human rights risk assessment process throughout the supply chain can help mitigate the risk of human rights violations that may result from the Company's activities, as well as those of its partners and contractors. This can bolster the Company's reputation and inspire greater confidence among all stakeholders. 

Management Approach

The Company is aware of human rights impacts on stakeholders throughout the value chain according to the “ALL WIN” philosophy, which plays an important role in promoting a positive impact on human rights from helping to develop the local economy, creating jobs, creating careers for people in the community, and enhancing the community’s quality of life through access to education, public health, public utilities, and good basic services. At the same time, the industrial estate development has the potential to violate the human rights of these stakeholders through environmental pollution that disrupts community well-being or an unsafe work or working environment that could harm employees, workers, or people in the community. The negligence of the impact on stakeholders’ rights may result in other stakeholder groups losing trust in the Company or societal opposition to it, which may affect the Company’s operations and future performance. 

The Company has established social policies, which are “Human Rights Policy”, “Stakeholder Engagement Policy”, “Human Resource Management Policy”, “Safety and Occupational Health Policy”, and “Personal Data Protection Policy”, to treat all groups of stakeholders in all activities along the value chain fairly and appropriately, according to international human rights principles. By adhering to the laws both domestically and internationally in the countries where the Company runs a business and establishing a framework in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, where the complete policy and guidelines can be viewed at 

The Company requires the board of directors, executives, and all levels of employees to recognize the importance and respect of human rights in every aspect of all individuals, whether employees, customers, suppliers and contractors, as well as in communities and in society, according to the laws of each country where the Company runs business. The Company is ready to support the treaty that each country has obligations to comply with and to avoid actions and participation in human rights violations that create negative impacts on human rights. 

In 2022, the Company has integrated human rights risk identification and assessment into a variety of risk assessment processes that each department is responsible for, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in project development, identify and evaluate environmental aspects and impacts, as well as risk assessment on occupational health and safety, according to ISO standards. The Company has conducted Human Rights Due Diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by integrating it into the materiality determination process, where the Company has identified various topics that have a significant human rights impact on each of the key stakeholders along the value chain, whether it has occurred or is likely to occur in the future. This covers all activities in the value chain (100%). The Company has also determined measures and controls to respond to or prevent these human rights impacts. 

Human Rights Due Diligence Progress

Implementation of Human Rights

Impsacted StakeholdersSignificant Human
Rights Issues
Company’s actions for correction, prevention, and remedy

Labor rights

  • Health and Safety
  • Employment condition
  • Equality
  • Freedom of association and negotiation
  • Treating employees with regard to human rights principle, statutory labor rights of the country where the Company operating the business and international human rights principles, especially for employee treatment with equality and non-discrimination in all dimensions
  • Providing occupational health and safety supervision in accordance with the occupational safety, health and environment policy
  • Establishing a welfare committee with employees as members

Community rights

  • Health and safety
  • Environment
  • Welcoming opinions and monitoring the impact of the Company's operations on surrounding communities 
  • Implementing projects and activities to prevent and mitigate impacts from the Company's operations on the environment, the health and safety of people, and property in the community 
  • Empowering the community members to express opinions or make complaints in various channels, and join the committees to jointly supervise the community's well-being and environment 
  • Strictly complying with environmental and safety laws and regulations and preparing an effective emergency and crisis management plan 

Customer rights

  • Product and service quality
  • Safety
  • Delivering safe products and services with quality standards and traceability 
  • Providing customer complaint channels and a complaint management procedure 
  • Strictly complying with the laws and safety regulations 
  • Establishing an effective emergency plan and crisis management plan 
Employee, Customers, Shareholders, and Business Partners

Data Privacy

  • Enforcing the Personal Data Protection Policy as a management standard and good practice 
  • Providing process control over personal data protection and business data privacy in accordance with laws and the Company's policies 
  • Enforcing the confidentiality policy and guidelines to prevent information leakage, access, usage, and disclosure, or unauthorized data modification 
  • Training and regularly monitoring the employees to make them aware of the importance of personal data protection 
Supplier and Contractor

Supplier and contractor rights

  • Health and safety
  • Treating suppliers and contractors with equality, equity, fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination 
  • Maintaining the workplace’s safety and security 
  • Demanding that suppliers and contractors strictly adhere to legal and safety guidelines 
Employees of Suppliers and Contractors

Labor rights

  • Health and safety
  • Employment condition
  • Informing AMATA’s suppliers and contractors to acknowledge the AMATA’s Supplier Code of Conduct and act in accordance with the intentions and guidelines of the Company on environmental management and labor practices 
  • Assessing the risk of labor practices and occupational health and safety with critical and new suppliers and contractors before doing business 
  • Monitoring critical suppliers’ and contractors’ operations in terms of labor practices and environmental management in order to prevent human rights violations against various stakeholder groups 
  • Demanding that the critical suppliers and contractors have preventive measures in place and take responsibility for the impact of human rights violations that may occur

Community rights

  • Health and safety
  • Environment
  • Monitoring and welcoming communities’ opinions on any operational impacts caused by the Company’s suppliers and contractors 
  • Monitoring the critical suppliers’ and contractors’ operations on labor practices and environmental management in order to prevent human rights violations against various stakeholder groups 
  • Demanding that the critical suppliers and contractors have preventive measures in place and take responsibility for the impact of human rights violations that may occur 

Framework on Children’s Rights Management

Throughout its business operation, the Company has strictly abided by ALL WIN philosophy with the objective of providing benefits to those related to the Company’s value chain and allowing them to grow with the Company sustainably in every dimension. Although children’s rights topic had not been elevated as material sustainability topic, but the expansion of the industrial estates operated by the Company in every area undoubtedly relates both directly and indirectly to the quality of life, opportunity and growth of the children living around both AMATA City industrial estates. Additionally, children’s rights have become an important concern internationally at present. Business operation must take into consideration the children’s rights throughout business value chain.

The Company has adopted the "Children's Rights and Business Principles" (CRBP), established by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), as guidelines for conducting business operations that respect children's rights. These principles encompass four key areas in which businesses can impact children: 1) Support for children's survival; 2) Protection of children from violence; 3) Appropriate development; and 4) Opportunity for children to participate. The operational framework was established with a goal of creating the perfect city that provides opportunities for children and adheres to the CRBP principles, as follows: 

Safety City

To create a society that jointly protects and supports a safe survival, the Company has announced its policy and code of conduct for suppliers, which strictly prohibit the use of child labor and have developed processes to mitigate the environmental impact on the communities where children reside. These processes include the development of smart environments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, efficient waste management, and zero waste to landfill.

Opportunities City

The Company has developed various infrastructure and facilities to provide equal opportunities for the children in the surrounding community to access utilities and services such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers.


The Company cooperated with the business strategic partners in developing diversified learning and educational space in both industrial estates, e.g., a water management learning center, a smart classroom, and recreational public parks.

Human Rights Performance

In 2022, there were no significant human rights complaints due to business activities from stakeholders, and no human rights violations were reported by suppliers, contractors, or customers. The Human Resources Management Committee has reported progress on human rights performance and human rights complaints collected from various channels to the Corporate Governance Committee and Board of Directors. 

Even though there are no significant human rights complaints from stakeholders about the Company’s operation, the Company is aware of the human rights impacts made by its partners, suppliers, and contractors in various activities throughout the value chain. Therefore, responsibility for human rights has been extended to the Company’s partners, suppliers, and contractors by encouraging the partners, suppliers, and contractors in the Company’s value chain to respect human rights and conduct business in accordance with the Company’s resolution as specified in the Supplier Code of Conduct. Furthermore, good human rights practices have been incorporated into the selection process for new suppliers and contractors, as well as the employment contract, and the risks of suppliers and contractors in terms of human rights are assessed on a regular basis. 

Furthermore, the Company has established a “Whistleblowing policy” and provided various communication channels for employees and stakeholders to report any indications or complaints about human rights violations. The Company has a process in place for reviewing and handling complaints in a prudent, fair, and transparent manner. Employees who violate human rights are considered as unethical by the Company and must be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the established regulations. Legal penalties may also be imposed if the action is illegal. Regarding remedies in the event of human rights violations, the Company requires the responsible department to take immediate action to mitigate the impact and has fair reparation measures for those affected. 

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