In 2023, the Company conducted a review of its material topics based on the material topics identified in 2022, in reference to the GRI Universal Standards 2021 GRI 3: Material Topics 2021, taking into consideration the Double Materiality and Multi-stakeholder Approach. The purpose of the review was to provide an overview of the Company's impact on stakeholders, society, and the environment (outward impact), as well as on the business itself (inward impact), on both financial aspects and the ability to create business value in the future.
The Company has conducted a comprehensive review of both negative and positive impacts it has or could have on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights. This assessment scanned across the organization’s activities and business relationships, such as those with its suppliers and contractors, throughout the value chain. The significance of those impacts was assessed based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. This review was conducted by management and experts in each field within the Company, in collaboration with external sustainability consultants. Information from affected stakeholders was utilized, and the severity, scale, and scope of the impact, as well as its likelihood and irremediable character, were taken into account.
The Company has categorized its significant impacts into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics. It also considered other sustainability issues arising from operational performance, as well as the effects of various stakeholders and external factors on its business. These issues encompass global and regional changes, sustainability trends and directions, concerns from related industry groups, topics identified in industry standards and sustainability assessment methods, and global-level concerns.
The Company assessed the identified sustainability topics through the materiality prioritization process, guided by the Double Materiality concept and principles established by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). These topics were assessed based on the significance of their impact on the economy, environment, people, and society, which includes human rights (impact materiality), as well as their influence on the Company’s financial performance and long-term value creation, covering risks and business opportunities (Financial-related Sustainability Materiality). The significant material sustainability topics were then plotted in the Materiality Matrix to illustrate their importance.
Horizontal axis (X Axis): represents the level of significance of AMATA’s impacts on people and planet (Outward impact)
Bubble size: represents the importance of ESG topics to AMATA’s stakeholders
In 2023, the Company retained the same 19 material topics as in 2022, classified into three levels of importance: critical-impact, high-impact, and moderate-impact. Of these, 12 were deemed critical-impact, 6 high-impact, and 1 moderate-impact. Since all the material topics were related to the human rights of stakeholders, human rights was not listed as a separate topic. Human rights due diligence was conducted, and risk management measures were implemented for each topic to minimize both the likelihood and impact on stakeholders.
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